Tuesday, April 30, 2013


            "The biggest mistake of past centuries in teaching has been to treat all children as if they were variants of the same individual, and thus to feel justified in teaching them the same subjects in the same ways," (Gardner, 1994).  Children are all very different in a variety of ways.  Not all children look the same, behave the same, or think the same.  Even though children may be of the same age, they each have an array of needs.  These needs follow over to education in the classroom.  Not all children learn the same.  It is up to the teachers to provide these various methods of teaching to target the individual needs of the children.   Teachers can use different materials to differentiate teaching methods in order to engage all of the students in learning.  Also, teachers can modify the entire process in which they teach to target the needs of every student.  However, teachers being human, tend to lose sight of that. 
            Even though these methods are in mind when preparing to teach, teachers can lean towards one method and forget about the other ones.  I have interviewed a teacher of the elementary school level to gather a better understanding of how teachers apply these methods to their teaching.  By using a variety of my own methods, I have analyzed the interview transcript to study how this teacher talks about teaching.  The teacher's tone of voice, the way she laughs, and how long she discusses certain points reveals how she truly feels about teaching.  In comparison to my findings, I have reviewed The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, written by Carol Ann Tomlinson, which gives an excellent evaluation of how teachers can effectively target the needs of all children.  Furthermore, this study provides exceptional proof that many teachers subconsciously teach using their favorite methods, rather than incorporating every method into their teaching.

Literature Review
            The text that I reviewed is called The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, written by Carol Ann Tomlinson.  In the text Tomlinson provides a variety of ways that teachers can effectively make their class a differentiated classroom.  What is a differentiated classroom?  “A classroom where the teachers strive to do whatever it takes to ensure that struggling and advanced learners, students with varied cultural heritages, and children with different background experiences all grow as much as they possibly can each day, each week, and throughout the year,” (Tomlinson, p. 2).  Children need different ways to learn in order to stay focused on what is being taught.  “They also accept and act on the premise that teachers must be ready to engage students n instruction through different learning modalities, by appealing to different interests, and by using varied rates of instruction along with varied degrees of complexity,” (Tomlinson, p. 2).  Tomlinson explains that teachers can use a variety of materials to differentiate teaching, as well as modifying the process in which they teach.
            In Chapter 2, Tomlinson states how the process describes activities designed to ensure that students use key skills to make sense out of essential ideas and information.  When a teacher is teaching they may need to consider modifying the lesson spur of the moment in order to increase the likelihood that the learner will understand the key ideas and information.  For example, Tomlinson explains that while teaching, a teacher may need to modify the process for an advanced student who has already mastered the skills being taught that day.  The teacher may assign an activity that is more complex or allow a struggling student to complete an activity at a slower pace.
            To further my study on differentiated classrooms I interviewed LK, a second grade teacher to learn how she uses a variety of methods to teach her students.  I chose to interview an elementary school teacher because when I graduate, I hope to work in an elementary school.  Before I began the interview process, I produced a series of questions that target my research question.  I carefully picked out which questions to ask to ensure that I would not breach anything personal with the interviewee.  To begin the interview, I asked easy questions to make sure that LK was comfortable being recorded and to lead her up to my main points.  After a thorough interview that gave me a better understanding of how to differentiate a classroom, I transcribed it and analyzed the data.
            The data that I collected from the interview provides proof that humans subconsciously discuss what they prefer most when presenting any sort of information to other people.  I will be analyzing the different topics that I presented to LK; how she teaches, different methods she uses, different materials she uses, and how she modifies her process when she teaches.  I have divided these topics into separate sections to make the data easier to interpret.
How LK Teaches

Thursday, April 18, 2013

23 Introduction/Literature Review


"The biggest mistake of past centuries in teaching has been to treat all children as if they were variants of the same indivdual, and thus to feel justified in teaching them the same subjects in the same ways," (Gardner, 1994). 

Children are all very different in a variety of ways.  Not all children look the same, behave the same, or think the same.  Even though children may be of the same age, they each have an array of needs.  These needs follow over to education in the classroom.  Not all children learn the same. Some children learn better auditorily, visually, or kinesthetically.  It is up to the teachers to provide these various methods of teaching to target the individual needs of the children.  Teachers can use different materials to differentiate teaching methods in order to engage all of the students in learning.  Teachers can also allow students to make interest based learning choices to ensure that each student is interested in learning.  Overall, teachers can modify the entire process in which they teach to target the needs of every student.  I have interviewed a teacher of the elementary school level to gather a better understanding of how teachers apply these methods to their teaching.  By using a variety of my own methods, I have analyzed the interview transcript to study how this teacher talks about teaching.  The teacher's tone of voice, the way she laughs, and how long she discusses certain points reveals how she truly feels about teaching.  The tone of her voice and the way she laughs gives evidence that she may be uncertain or very certain about the material.  Also, when discussing a point for a longer period of time provides proof that she has an unconscious draw to her favorite teaching method.  Also, with the insight of Carol Ann Tomlinson, a researcher who studies differentiated teaching, I will compare Mrs. K's teaching strategies.

why/how my research relates to writing studies
what is the definition of differentiated teaching?

Works Cited:

Howard Gardner, Siegel&Shaughnessy, 1994

Tomlinson, Carol A. The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1999. Print.
Literature Review

break into sections


why/how my research relates to writing studies


            >>>tone of voice
            >>>how long she discusses a certain point... fluent

tone of voice= very certain OR uncertain
pauses= unsure OR gathering thoughts
laughs= confident OR very unconfident
length of talk/fluency= confident AND/OR very knowledgeable


J: That’s no problem because a lot of people don’t remember I’m sure… So how do you teach your students?

L: There’s a certain amount of content that needs to be covered and there’s a reading series that we need to use to fulfill the common core... so for instance, right now we’re doing biographies… what is required with our series is that we read the biography of George Washington Carver and the whole class does that and 

we usually start out by reading it to them and then they’ll break up into small groups and they’ll read it on their own

That’s supposed (stressed) to be at an instructional level but obviously for some of the kids it’s too hard, it’s not instructional, which is why we do a lot of that stuff together.

we break up into groups after lunch and the kids have different tasks that they’re working on and I’ll take whatever my guided reading group is and that’s where I group them by ability so my lower group will be reading a biography but a lower level, an easier biography, my middle group will be reading, I think the lower group did Thomas Edison and the middle group was .. I can’t remember what her name was.. Madame C.J. Walker, and that was like an average book and then the more challenging one read.. (pause) what was it again.. I can’t remember, I don’t know it doesn’t matter.. so there’s three different biographies ..

.. uhm I also have the story on a CD so we have our reading series available online so the kids can either read it online or there’s an option where they can click and it will read the story to them and then the words are highlighted as the narrator is reading.  That’s supposed (stressed) to be at an instructional level but obviously for some of the kids it’s too hard, it’s not instructional, which is why we do a lot of that stuff together.  Uhm…We dissect the parts of the biography, how it has headings, and when you’re looking for information you look underneath the heading and that’ll give you that, ya know, second grade obviously, lower level, uhmm… then we break up into groups after lunch and the kids have different tasks that they’re working on and I’ll take whatever my guided reading group is and that’s where I group them by ability so my lower group will be reading a biography but a lower level, an easier biography, my middle group will be reading, I think the lower group did Thomas Edison and the middle group was .. I can’t remember what her name was.. Madame C.J. Walker, and that was like an average book and then the more challenging one read.. (pause) what was it again.. I can’t remember, I don’t know it doesn’t matter.. so there’s three different biographies ..

J: So you do have different levels for the stronger students versus the struggling students.
L: Yes so they are all doing the same thing but they’re not doing the same thing. They’re all reading biographies, they all have to look for information under the certain headings, they all have to talk about the same talking points but in texts that are more at their read ability.

supposed>> tone of voice influxuated
pause>>uncertainty, gathering data in head

J: How do you use, for example, for a specific lesson, whether it’s LAL, or math, or any lesson that you can think of in your head.. how do you use auditory, visual and kinesthetic (hands on) methods to focus on the needs of the students as a whole?
L: Alright, well, today we did a math lesson and we used Plato to do fractions
J: Oh, ok so that would be a kinesthetic method
L: Mhm we had to teach equivalent fractions, which is a hard concept, but ya know the book tells you, they give you these little cards and the cards have sections and you’re supposed to put the two cards next to each other to tell what’s greater than, less than and equal to a half… these kinds of things… but I think the cards are too vague... so you had a piece of paper like this (points to piece of paper) and like half of it is colored blue and this ones got four eighths colored blue but if they don’t line it up exactly right or if there’s two that are close to each other or they’re looking in the wrong place it’s just… it’s not really teaching them anything… it’s you’re telling them what to do and they’re dong it… so, uhm… so I found this idea online, I gave them a little container of Plato and they played with it for about ten minutes and then I told them to cut it in half, I gave them plastic knives, cut it in half, and they had to make two circles using the lid of the Plato container as like a cookie cutter… and then, so they had the two circles, and then with the plastic knives they had to take the first circle and cut it in half and then the second circle they had to cut it in quarters and then figure out, okay now how many of these quarters would it take to be equal to a half, and I had the document camera and I had my Plato on the document camera which kind of shows them what I was talking about


J: That’s great… what different types of materials do you use to promote differentiation?
L: In literacy?
J: overall…
L: well anything I do whole group is a lot of auditory and everything on the document camera, everything, uhm…  some powerpoints stuff… like today we played secret password, I don’t know if you’re familiar with that old 70’s 80’s gameshow?.. well I’ll show the kids a picture and I’ll read off the child friendly definition of the word and then they have to tell me what the word is but the secret password game we went into the smartboard room and I had the kids, basically they were the audience in the background and then one person, one child, like it was you and I, I’m standing with my back to the smart board and the vocabulary words on the smartboard and you have to give me clues to get me to say that word but you can’t say that word… so we do a lot of that… interactive, not kinesthetic but it’s interactive… because they’re required to learn the same vocabulary and they’re required to learn the same content but it doesn’t have to, well the spelling can be more at their level, there’s easy spelling words and challenging spelling words but the vocabulary and the standards have to be the same across the board.


J: How do you let students make interest based learning choices?
L: Oh, that’s easy (laughs) I read a book this summer called The Daily Five, I don’t know if you heard anything about it… it’s two sisters and they wrote this book and I use it right after lunch when I do guided reading groups, they have basically five choices, they can read to themselves, they can read with a partner, they can listen to reading I have books on a tape or a CD, or they can do word work, which is just a whole, I have one of those rolling cabinets with like ten drawers and there’s ten different activities that they can do based on whatever the spelling words were that week, so it follows whatever the phonics pattern is… I have little paper Iphones and I laminate it and write on them and they can practice typing… uhm what else… I have pencil, pen, crayon, and marker where they write their spelling words once with a pencil, then write the same word in a marker, then they write it in a crayon, and then with a pen.  I have cool little file folder games where they manipulate the words uhm… in the beginning of the year I had build it, smell it (laughs)… which they really liked.  They ad like foam uhm scrabble tiles so they had to use the tiles to make the word and then I got smelly markers from the dollar store so then they could write the words that they made and then they could smell it.  That was a big hit, build it, smell it, and then the last choice was to work on writing.  I didn’t start working on writing right away because I felt like they really needed a lot of guidance now they’re more independent.  So when we come back from lunch they have their choice, they can do whatever one of those five they want and then they work on that for twenty minutes while I’m with a reading group.  As long as they get five done within the five days they’re good.  So if they really want to finish this book that they’re reading or they really don’t feel like reading they just kind of want to ya know sit back and let someone else read they can choose listening to reading so, but they have to do all five in five days.

laughs>>> confident, fluent, smooth


J: uhm… how do you modify the process in which you teach?

L: My instruction?

J: Yes

L: Okay… for math, I do a lot of, we call it, pencil I can do myself, blue I do with someone else, red is what the teacher said, now I know it in my head, so lets say of instance here’s this thing that they’re supposed to be able to do by themselves.  If they can do it by themselves, they complete the assignment in pencil and then I’ll know and anyone else who looks at their journal will know that this is something that they did by themselves.  If they can do number one, five and seven by themselves but they need help with numbers two, three, four and six, then they can pick up a blue pen and they can work with a partner but then they have to write their answer in a blue pen.  If I help them with it ya know if they still can’t get it and I have to help them with it they have to write their answer in a red pen so it shows… its like evidence… as far as writing goes I probably am not the best person to ask (laughs)… we use a lot of graphic organizers , a lot of graphic organizers and spend a lot of time teaching them how to use it but the kids that really have trouble, they can’t use it on their own.  One of the uhm one of the big things is persuasive writing.  So you know the layers of an oreo cookie… so I teach them OREO, it’s actually not really persuasive in the second grade it’s more that they’re giving their opinion and then your reasons why.  So the top layer is the O, that’s you’re opinion, so I think we should have no homework on the weekends, and the second layer of the cookie is the R, and that’s when they have to give a reason, so We should be able to do whatever we want on the weekends, whatever… the E is when they give examples or they explain further their reason… so the E has to go with the R and that they have a really hard time with ya know I don’t think we should have homework on the weekends, I think the weekends we should be free to do whatever we want uhm I’d rather just play with my friends and watch tv… and then the last O is their opinion restated , that’s why I think we should not have homework on the weekends…. So that’s a graphic organizer for persuasive writing.  There’s uhm… a lot of graphic organizers for writing, for reading I just kind of do the stuff that we have to do whole group and then stuff that is at their level they have a different text, a different level book. 



J:  That’s great… so how do you provide multiple ways to asses students considering that some students are advanced and other students are struggling?

L: Alright… on homework they have a choice for spelling there’s a nine square board and they have to do three assignments by the end of that lesson so usually it’s within a week, they get to pick whatever assignments they want to do… on a test though I really don’t modify… for the special ed kids I’d read them some of the questions and answers aloud to them and they would just have to pick the right one… other kids I would uhm maybe if it was multiple choice I would cross out one of the answers so that they only had to chose from three answers rather than four…uhm… I might give them if it’s something like math I might give them manipulatives that they need or they might be allowed to use… like if it was a story comprehension and I was teaching them how to go back and look up information like for the biographies, I might let them use their book because if they’re able to use their book to find out the answer then that’s the skill that I’m looking for. 

Language tools used : tone of voice, when she laughs, how long she discusses a certain point.
The literature review relates to my discussion and it is evident through five points that my interviewee proposed.  Those points are...
1. how she teaches her students
2. how she uses auditory, visual, and kinesthetic methods***** clearly emphasizes on kinesthetic and means that theres an uncocious draw to how she learns and teaches best
3. what materials she uses to differentiate teaching******
4. how students make interest based learning choices
5. how she modifies the process in which she teaches******
6. how she provides multiple ways to assess the students

I am listening to the language features because it shows how she feels about what we're talking about and the material. >> what she thinks is most important and what her voice says about what is not important. What she's most excited about is what is most important to her.

what she says, how she says it, what it means...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Jillian Patti
ENG 3029
Interview Transcribed

Research Question: How do you (teachers) differentiate your teaching methods to target all of your student’s goals.

J: Can you please state your name.
L: Lauryn Kipper
J: Okay...So Lauryn… today I am going to be asking you how you differentiate your teaching methods in your classroom to target different student's learning needs.  As a child.. what methods did your teachers use that were most effective for you?
L: I don't remember a thing from elementary school... I can tell you some things I remember but they were not about the teaching style... I have teachers from high school that I can tell you about.. I went to school, well I graduated in 88' so it was a whole lot of chalkboard, a whole lot of full group, a lot of stuff that they don't do anymore.. I don't really remember much about anything with literacy... I do remember reading Shakespeare in high school and he did it like a play where we each had a role and we each read a part and I guess after each act we would discuss it but I don’t… I don’t think that part will be very helpful (laughs)
J: That’s no problem because a lot of people don’t remember I’m sure… So how do you teach your students?
L: There’s a certain amount of content that needs to be covered and there’s a reading series that we need to use to fulfill the common core... so for instance, right now we’re doing biographies… what is required with our series is that we read the biography of George Washington Carver and the whole class does that and we usually start out by reading it to them and then they’ll break up into small groups and they’ll read it on their own.. uhm I also have the story on a CD so we have our reading series available online so the kids can either read it online or there’s an option where they can click and it will read the story to them and then the words are highlighted as the narrator is reading.  That’s supposed to be at an instructional level but obviously for some of the kids it’s too hard, it’s not instructional, which is why we do a lot of that stuff together.  Uhm…We dissect the parts of the biography, how it has headings, and when you’re looking for information you look underneath the heading and that’ll give you that, ya know, second grade obviously, lower level, uhmm… then we break up into groups after lunch and the kids have different tasks that they’re working on and I’ll take whatever my guided reading group is and that’s where I group them by ability so my lower group will be reading a biography but a lower level, an easier biography, my middle group will be reading, I think the lower group did Thomas Edison and the middle group was .. I can’t remember what her name was.. Madame C.J. Walker, and that was like an average book and then the more challenging one read.. what was it again.. I can’t remember, I don’t know it doesn’t matter.. so there’s three different biographies ..
J: So you do have different levels for the stronger students versus the struggling students.
L: Yes so they are all doing the same thing but they’re not doing the same thing.  They’re all reading biographies, they all have to look for information under the certain headings, they all have to talk about the same talking points but in texts that are more at their read ability.
J: Wow, that’s great.  So that’s for different levels
L: Mhm
J: How do you use, for example, for a specific lesson, whether it’s LAL, or math, or any lesson that you can think of in your head.. how do you use auditory, visual and kinesthetic (hands on) methods to focus on the needs of the students as a whole?
L: Alright, well, today we did a math lesson and we used Plato to do fractions
J: Oh, ok so that would be a kinesthetic method
L: Mhm we had to teach equivalent fractions, which is a hard concept, but ya know the book tells you, they give you these little cards and the cards have sections and you’re supposed to put the two cards next to each other to tell what’s greater than, less than and equal to a half… these kinds of things… but I think the cards are too vague... so you had a piece of paper like this (points to piece of paper) and like half of it is colored blue and this ones got four eighths colored blue but if they don’t line it up exactly right or if there’s two that are close to each other or they’re looking in the wrong place it’s just… it’s not really teaching them anything… it’s you’re telling them what to do and they’re dong it… so, uhm… so I found this idea online, I gave them a little container of Plato and they played with it for about ten minutes and then I told them to cut it in half, I gave them plastic knives, cut it in half, and they had to make two circles using the lid of the Plato container as like a cookie cutter… and then, so they had the two circles, and then with the plastic knives they had to take the first circle and cut it in half and then the second circle they had to cut it in quarters and then figure out, okay now how many of these quarters would it take to be equal to a half, and I had the document camera and I had my Plato on the document camera which kind of shows them what I was talking about
J: Wow, okay
L: yeah so that wasn’t LAL but… I don’t know if you’d consider this kinesthetic but what they have to go back and what they’re really learning now is how to go back and get information in a book, so we give them squares that have either an idea from a story or an event from a story and they have to put them in order, sequencing, but they’re physically putting them in order so it’s a little bit kinesthetic.
J: That’s great… what different types of materials do you use to promote differentiation?
L: In literacy?
J: overall…
L: well anything I do whole group is a lot of auditory and everything on the document camera, everything, uhm…  some powerpoints stuff… like today we played secret password, I don’t know if you’re familiar with that old 70’s 80’s gameshow?.. well I’ll show the kids a picture and I’ll read off the child friendly definition of the word and then they have to tell me what the word is but the secret password game we went into the smartboard room and I had the kids, basically they were the audience in the background and then one person, one child, like it was you and I, I’m standing with my back to the smart board and the vocabulary words on the smartboard and you have to give me clues to get me to say that word but you can’t say that word… so we do a lot of that… interactive, not kinesthetic but it’s interactive… because they’re required to learn the same vocabulary and they’re required to learn the same content but it doesn’t have to, well the spelling can be more at their level, there’s easy spelling words and challenging spelling words but the vocabulary and the standards have to be the same across the board.
J: How do you let students make interest based learning choices?
L: Oh, that’s easy (laughs)… I read a book this summer called The Daily Five, I don’t know if you heard anything about it… it’s two sisters and they wrote this book and I use it right after lunch when I do guided reading groups, they have basically five choices, they can read to themselves, they can read with a partner, they can listen to reading I have books on a tape or a CD, or they can do word work, which is just a whole, I have one of those rolling cabinets with like ten drawers and there’s ten different activities that they can do based on whatever the spelling words were that week, so it follows whatever the phonics pattern is… I have little paper Iphones and I laminate it and write on them and they can practice typing… uhm what else… I have pencil, pen, crayon, and marker where they write their spelling words once with a pencil, then write the same word in a marker, then they write it in a crayon, and then with a pen.  I have cool little file folder games where they manipulate the words uhm… in the beginning of the year I had build it, smell it (laughs)… which they really liked.  They ad like foam uhm scrabble tiles so they had to use the tiles to make the word and then I got smelly markers from the dollar store so then they could write the words that they made and then they could smell it.  That was a big hit, build it, smell it, and then the last choice was to work on writing.  I didn’t start working on writing right away because I felt like they really needed a lot of guidance now they’re more independent.  So when we come back from lunch they have their choice, they can do whatever one of those five they want and then they work on that for twenty minutes while I’m with a reading group.  As long as they get five done within the five days they’re good.  So if they really want to finish this book that they’re reading or they really don’t feel like reading they just kind of want to ya know sit back and let someone else read they can choose listening to reading so, but they have to do all five in five days.
J: Oh wow, that’s really good… do you or how do you modify the content to focus on every child’s needs?
L: That’s a big sore subject with me (laughs) I taught inclusion for six years so the kids that had IEPs were… as long as they didn’t need… actually they all needed a lot of help, I had kids that were uhm ya know had aspergers, I had kids most of them were learning issues but some of them were emotional, behavior, one little boy I had was legally blind so his modifications were of course different.  I had someone from the commission come in and tell me how to modify things for him uhm but (laughs)… read me the question again… modifying the content?
J: yes…
L: This is my big stinking point with my director of special services, which is why I am not in inclusion anymore, because she just likes to use the word modify modify modify and I say modify what?  Do you want me to modify my instruction, do you want me to modify the content, do you want me to modify the assessment? And she really wouldn’t give me an answer so… I’m not doing that anymore (laughs).  I can modify instruction, I can teach it to you 300 different ways if you want I’ll stand on my head, I’ll do a song and a dance, that I don’t have a problem with… if you want me to modify the content I feel that kind of has to come from the administration, specifically what do you want me to do, do you want me to like I say, okay this child has to have ten easy spelling words as opposed to the kids that have ten easy spelling words and five challenging words… is it somebody that just needs more time is it uhm where I mean maybe if there’s a passage I’ll read it to you and then you read it to me or you read it to me and then we talk about it rather than you know you’re doing a cold read… modifying the assessment is very vague and we really don’t get any guidance and there’s no mark on the report card to show that anything was modified so if ya know Shannon’s report card could look just like Charlie’s report card even though Charlie is a gifted student and Shannon is basic skills… it’s ya know… very sticky… I don’t know if that answers your question but (laughs)… I mean the standards needs to be covered… they have to, they’re supposed to do what everybody else does at their level so maybe you get fifteen questions for homework and somebody else gets seven
J: uhm… how do you modify the process in which you teach?
L: My instruction?
J: Yes
L: Okay… for math, I do a lot of, we call it, pencil I can do myself, blue I do with someone else, red is what the teacher said, now I know it in my head, so lets say of instance here’s this thing that they’re supposed to be able to do by themselves.  If they can do it by themselves, they complete the assignment in pencil and then I’ll know and anyone else who looks at their journal will know that this is something that they did by themselves.  If they can do number one, five and seven by themselves but they need help with numbers two, three, four and six, then they can pick up a blue pen and they can work with a partner but then they have to write their answer in a blue pen.  If I help them with it ya know if they still can’t get it and I have to help them with it they have to write their answer in a red pen so it shows… its like evidence… as far as writing goes I probably am not the best person to ask (laughs)… we use a lot of graphic organizers , a lot of graphic organizers and spend a lot of time teaching them how to use it but the kids that really have trouble, they can’t use it on their own.  One of the uhm one of the big things is persuasive writing.  So you know the layers of an oreo cookie… so I teach them OREO, it’s actually not really persuasive in the second grade it’s more that they’re giving their opinion and then your reasons why.  So the top layer is the O, that’s you’re opinion, so I think we should have no homework on the weekends, and the second layer of the cookie is the R, and that’s when they have to give a reason, so We should be able to do whatever we want on the weekends, whatever… the E is when they give examples or they explain further their reason… so the E has to go with the R and that they have a really hard time with ya know I don’t think we should have homework on the weekends, I think the weekends we should be free to do whatever we want uhm I’d rather just play with my friends and watch tv… and then the last O is their opinion restated , that’s why I think we should not have homework on the weekends…. So that’s a graphic organizer for persuasive writing.  There’s uhm… a lot of graphic organizers for writing, for reading I just kind of do the stuff that we have to do whole group and then stuff that is at their level they have a different text, a different level book. 
J: How do you divide time, resources, and yourself so that you are an effective catalyst for maximizing talent in all of the students?
L:  Okay well I’m in the classroom by myself, I don’t have any help, nobody comes in to pull out or to push in… it’s the Kipper Show all day long (laughs)… I’m exhausted…divide time I’m very bad at time management, I find myself using a timer a lot, otherwise, I’ll go on and on and on uhm… resources… how do I divide resources?
J: I guess you can say the materials…
L:  Uhm…I don’t know if this answers it but if we spend a lot of time on something I try to use the student’s work as a model for an example of student work as a model and we pull it apart and say what was good about it, uhm like for writing they may volunteer to read whatever their response is to the writing prompt and we’ll say did they answer the question, did they say, did they list their opinion, and reasons, and examples, did they give main idea and details, those kind of things.  I might switch off with another teacher and she might give me one of her really great responses and I’ll white out the name and throw it on the document camera and say another fellow second grader did this, did they do this, uhm… we share resources with each other… I get a lot of my stuff online… I don’t know… I don’t know if that’s what you meant by that.
J: That’s excellent thank you, and then how do you help students become self-reliant learners?
L:  I’m not real good a that (laughs)… for reading I say a lot where you write and I say it when they’re right and when they’re not right so they have to think about whether they really were right… uhm… because you’ll notice especially when they’re first learning to read if it’s something that’s a little challenging then they’ll read it and then they’ll look at you because they’re looking for, was I right, or they’re looking for an answer so for instance, one of the kids today I don’t remember what the word was but she almost had it and she knew she almost had it too but she wasn’t right so she looks at me and I said were you right and she’s like no and I said well then don’t look at me, I don’t have the word on my head, try it again.  Did that make sense?  Did it sound right?  Did it look right… so they’re thinking about the content of the story or the structure of the sentence or the shape of the letters… Does what you said match the print on the page?  So they’re putting that all together to make sure that what they’re saying matches what they’re reading.
J:  That’s great… so how do you provide multiple ways to asses students considering that some students are advanced and other students are struggling?
L: Alright… on homework they have a choice for spelling there’s a nine square board and they have to do three assignments by the end of that lesson so usually it’s within a week, they get to pick whatever assignments they want to do… on a test though I really don’t modify… for the special ed kids I’d read them some of the questions and answers aloud to them and they would just have to pick the right one… other kids I would uhm maybe if it was multiple choice I would cross out one of the answers so that they only had to chose from three answers rather than four…uhm… I might give them if it’s something like math I might give them manipulatives that they need or they might be allowed to use… like if it was a story comprehension and I was teaching them how to go back and look up information like for the biographies, I might let them use their book because if they’re able to use their book to find out the answer then that’s the skill that I’m looking for. 
J: Do you do formative instruction or an overall assessment?
L:  I use a little bit of everything.  I mean absolutely they have assessment at the end of each lesson.  At the end of ya know chapter seven in math we’re doing fractions there is going to be a fractions test.  We do it in two days, we do an oral and slate review so I’ll go over a little bit of everything we’ve covered in that lesson, they write their answer on the slate and they show me it under their chin and then I can just get a quick look… uhm… what else do we do… I really don’t do a lot of one on one assessment accept for reading when I’ll give them a paper and I’ll set the timer and I’ll say I just want to see how much you can read in a minute, and then they read that to me and then I literally just count how many words they can read in a minute for oral reading fluency uhm… but (laughs)
J: Do you have/what are you whole class/individual learning goals?
L: Well obviously we have objectives.
J: So that would be the class learning goal, the class objectives for the day
L: Yes, mhm
J: And then let’s say a struggling student, do you have individual goals for them?
L:  Nobody that is in my class now has an individualized uhm learning plan like that… I have one on a behavior plan but not on a learning plan.  Well there’s an objective for each lesson and then an objective for each unit… so let’s say if ya know the objective for this mini lesson is using prefixes and suffixes it might be part of a bigger piece that goes for the week but I don’t think, nobody has an individual learning goal… I set them and it’s like this is what we are going to be doing today (laughs) ad if something gears us off track that’s fine we’ll go with that… maybe I should have individual learning goals (laughs)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I want myreasearch to show how teachers' different learning styles engage their students in learning.
First, I want to observe in the teachers classroom while she is teaching a language arts lesson.  I want to observe her different techniques that she uses to figure out how this variation reflects the different learning levels of the students.  After observing for about thirty minutes in the classroom, I want to go home, analyze my data and produce a series of questions that target her different learning techniques.  I want to know how she uses hands on techniques, visual techniques, and auditory techniques to enage her students.   I will have multiple questions that target each of those tecniques.  Also, I will target my questions around what I observed in the classroom. 

Interview Protocol

J- Hi my name is Jillian Patti.  Today's date is ( ).  Today I am going to be asking you questions about how you differentiate your teaching techniques to meet the needs of every student.

J- Can you state your name for the record.