Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I want myreasearch to show how teachers' different learning styles engage their students in learning.
First, I want to observe in the teachers classroom while she is teaching a language arts lesson.  I want to observe her different techniques that she uses to figure out how this variation reflects the different learning levels of the students.  After observing for about thirty minutes in the classroom, I want to go home, analyze my data and produce a series of questions that target her different learning techniques.  I want to know how she uses hands on techniques, visual techniques, and auditory techniques to enage her students.   I will have multiple questions that target each of those tecniques.  Also, I will target my questions around what I observed in the classroom. 

Interview Protocol

J- Hi my name is Jillian Patti.  Today's date is ( ).  Today I am going to be asking you questions about how you differentiate your teaching techniques to meet the needs of every student.

J- Can you state your name for the record.

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