Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Data + analysis: 300 points
Writing process: 100 points
Essay: 100 points

Criteria: Data and Analysis
BLOG 22= Analysis of Data data
BLOG 21= Interview Transciption datta

For my data blog posts I feel that I should receive 250/300 because I posted my interview transript more than two weeks before its due date. Also because I posted parts of my data analysis over a week before its due date.  I honestly feel that the promptness and quality of these two blog posts are important.  My interview transcription was thorough and lengthy.  The quality of my interview, I feel is excellent.  I targeted my questions to make sure the answers would give me strong data in my paper.  Also, I honestly feel that the quality of my analysis was good as well, (categories=names of important features relevant to the research question, etc along with several sections from the data that are examples of those categories).  I pieced apart my interview and picked out what I felt would make my paper stronger.  Also, I think that the way I used different highlighting colors and bolded certain sections made my data analysis easier to read and understand.  I personally feel that if someone read my data analysis they would understand the point I am trying to get across.

Criteria: Writing Process

BLOG 26= What I need to work on to complete my paper
BLOG 25= Rough Draft Revision
BLOG 24= Rough Draft so far
BLOG 23= Introduction Draft & Quote
BLOG 18= Research Paper Timeline
BLOG 17= Research Plan

For my writing process posts I feel that I should receive 75/100.  That is because I did post my research plan and a timeline for the research plan.  Also, I posted my brainstorming for my topic.  As well, I did post what I feel I need to work on in order to complete my paper and make it better . However, I did not post multiple revisions of my drafts, which I should've done.  Also, I was not always prompt with posting these blogs.  As well, the quality of these blog posts is not the best.  Blog 26 was short and to the point, but I feel that I could have better elaborated what I specifically needed to do.  Also, my rough draft revision (Blog 25) is not excellent because I did not revise to the point that it was significant.  However, I do feel that blog 24, my original rough draft is good.  I tried my hardest to write down the most that I possibly could up until that point.  Also, blog 23 shows my introduction as of then and a quote that I felt was suitable for my paper.  You can tell from Blog 23 and 24 that I did revise my introduction to the best of my ability.  Blog 18, I poorly put together a timeline of what I need to accomplish.  The timeline is not thorough and is not completed.  However, I feel that my blog 17 is a good quality.  My research plan shows exactly what I knew I had to do for my paper.

Evaluation of your paper:
For the focus of my paper I feel that I should receive 25 points.  That is because I feel that my focus is very clearly stated.  Also, I feel that my beginning quote perfectly shows the importance of my paper and why I chose it.  For each section of my data analysis I feel that my headings show what the data is about.  Also, I feel that I analyzed the data well and clearly discussed the importance of each topic.  I also feel that my opening quote sets up appropriate background information that lets the reader know that differentiated teaching is important.  Lastly, all of my data provides proof behind my research question.

I feel that I should receive 23 points for the audience.  I think that by reading my paper it is clear that it is a research paper.  Also, I think that my headings are appropriate and are used correctly to set the reader up for what they are about to read.  Also, I feel that I used my researcher (Tomlinson) wisely throughout my paper and reflected back to her appropriately. 

Out of 20 points, I feel that I should receive between a 10 and 15.  I feel that I presented my data the best I possibly could.  Maybe you will feel that some of my data is out of place.  I feel that the 3 parts a analyzed properly fits back to my research question.  I may have no did a great job presenting all of my definitions, data and categories.  However, I feel that my headings and paragraph presentation are put together well.  Also, I personally think that each section is not repeated and provides different evidence that supports my paper.

I believe that I should receive about 15-18 points for my development.  I think that I made major improvements from my rough draft to my final draft.  I picked the examples that I felt helped support my research question best.  I think that my brief description before each example sets up the example well.  Also, I feel that I did a good job of mentioning what my data shows throughout the entire paper.

I think that the meaning behind my research paper is clear.  I personally feel that my writing was strong and does not go off track of the topic at hand.  I think I should get a 5.

After calculating all of the points I think I deserve they equalled to about an 81.  This is how I feel, but that does not mean that is how you will feel after reading my paper.  I do, however, hope that you enjoy the read and what I have presented to you.

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