Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Data Set 5:

Adult Learner and Technology

Question #1:

What does the tone of the first interview and second interview mean about how "M" feels about computers?


-I feel that "M" has a different perspective on computers in the first excerpt versus the second excerpt.  I used Gee's social language tool to come to this conclusion.


-In the beginning of the first excerpt when "Ch" would ask any questions regarding computers,
"M" answers were very brief and one worded.
-"M" was afraid.
-"M" used the words "didn't" and "couldn't" a lot when it came to computer talk.
-"M" felt that he could do what the computer could do.
-"M" answered many questions with a "mmhmm," not giving direct answers showing that it is not a comfortable subject.

-In the beginning of the second excerpt you can automatically tell that "M" felt more comfortable discussing computers because his first response is lengthy.
-"M" thought it was better to not know how to use the programs, versus using them incorrectly like his classmates.
-"M" admits that taking this computer class helped him get over his fear.
-"M" used a lot of "i guess so" and "maybe" and "might"
-At the end of the second excerpt, "M" admitted to giving computers a chance and actually learning how to properly use them.

Big C:  What do these excerpts say about people and their apprehension towards technology?

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