Thursday, March 28, 2013


Oral Histories

J: Okay so my name is Jillian Patti and today is March 26, 2013

J: State your name please

K: Karl

J: Okay so today I am going to be asking you questions about Septermeber 11, 2001

J: Do you rememeber how old you were when 9/11 happened?

K: No

J: Okay... do you remember what grade you were in?

K: Yes, I was in the fifth grade in Mrs. Babs class and she stopped class because another teacher came in and left the classroom for five muinutes and came back into class with a blank, pale face.

J: Wow.. and when did you find out exactly what happened?

K: Actually my teacher tried to continue teaching then was like you know what you guys are old enough.. and explained what happeend then turned the radio on and we listened to that for the rest of the day.

J: Do you remember if the rest of the day was a normal? Did you have a half day...

K: I cant rememebr I think it was a normal schedule

J: Okay.. when you went home do you remember if your parents explained in detail what had happened?

K: My sister and I were always home before my parents so we talked about it and knew what happened. When my parents got home we all watched the tv and discussed it.

J: Were any of your friends or anyone that you knew personally directly effected?

K: No but there was a guy in my school who his mom worked near the towers and my classmates and I were all scared for him.

J: Okay last question.. what was the aftermath?

K: Aftermath? I dont really remember anything happening afterwards.

J: Okay well thank you very much Karl

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